Is Delta THC Legal in Maryland?


What is Delta THC?

THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) is one of the cannabinoids found in the Cannabis sativa plant. Famous for its psychoactive effects when consumed, THC typically exists in different chemical variations or isomers. The common THC isomers include Delta-9, Delta-8, and Delta-10 THC. These isomers have the same chemical constituents but different structures, often producing different effects when consumed. For instance, Delta-9 produces a more potent psychoactive effect than other THC isomers.

Generally, cannabis naturally contains high concentrations of Delta-9 THC while it produces trace amounts of Delta-8 and Delta-10 THC. Hemp producers often manufacture high amounts of synthetic Delta-8 and Delta-10 THC from hemp products. Other less prominent THC isomers are Delta-6, Delta-1, exo-THC, THC-O acetate, THC-P (Tetrahydrocannabiphorol), THC-H (Tetrahydrocannabihexol), and THCV (Tetrahydrocannabivarin).


THC and CBD (cannabidiol) are popular cannabinoids in the Cannabis sativa plant. Generally, THC is abundant in marijuana, while CBD is abundant in hemp. When consumed, THC and CBD bind to the brain's cannabinoid receptors. However, THC consumption results in mind-altering effects, increased appetite, and mood changes. CBD, on the other hand, produces soothing effects that help in treating insomnia, anxiety, and chronic pain. According to research, CBD has side effects such as nausea, irritability, and fatigue.

Drug tests often provide a major distinction between THC and CBD. CBD metabolites do not appear on urinalysis, saliva, and other drug tests. However, excess consumption of hemp-derived CBD products containing 0.3% THC may likely show up on drug tests. On the other hand, conventional drug tests will detect THC in the body after some hours of use. Depending on the type of drug test and consumer, THC metabolites may also be detected after several days. In Maryland, THC and CBD are currently legal for medical purposes. The Maryland Department of Health considers foods and beverages containing both cannabinoids marketed for sale as adulterated and illegal.

What is Delta-8 THC?

Delta-8 THC, a popular THC isomer, is found in small concentrations in cannabis. High concentrations of Delta-8 THC may be artificially produced in Maryland from hemp-derived products, including CBD. Delta-8 THC produces a mild 'high' effect less potent than Delta-9 THC. Some potential benefits of Delta-8 THC are improved appetite and pain relief. However, according to theU.S. Food and Drug Administration, Delta-8 THC has side effects such as anxiety, hallucinations, dizziness, confusion, and tremor.

Popular drug tests in Maryland designed to detect THC can find Delta-8 THC in a consumer’s system. This is because Delta-8 THC and the traditional THC (Delta-9) have the same chemical structure and metabolites. Delta-8 THC typically stays in urine for three to 30 days depending on the frequency of use. Blood and saliva tests can detect Delta-8 THC metabolites for up to three days after consumption. THC metabolites often remain in the hair follicle for up to 90 days. Note that THC detection times often vary depending on an individual's body metabolic rate, Delta-8 THC consumption method, and frequency of use.

Is Delta-8 THC Legal in Maryland?

Yes. Maryland Legislators passed Senate Bill 788 in 2022 to allow Delta-8 THC products for residents aged 21 or older. Delta-8 infused gummies, smokable flowers, oils, and tinctures are legal for medical use, provided the consumer is of legal age. Medical marijuana dispensaries licensed by the Maryland Cannabis Administration (MCA) are allowed to sell Delta-8 THC products to medical patients. Consumers can locate nearby dispensaries using the MCA Dispensary List. Ordering Delta-8 THC online from dispensaries with online stores is also possible.

Dispensaries can also sell Delta-8 THC to recreational users in Maryland. In addition, adults may purchase Delta-8 THC products derived from hemp. Hemp and other hemp-derived products contain below 0.3% THC and are permitted under the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018. The federal legislation also allows Maryland residents to ship hemp derivatives with less than 0.3% Delta-10 THC across state lines.

What is Delta-9 THC?

Delta-9 THC is often used interchangeably with THC due to its natural abundance in cannabis. The cannabinoid is known for its psychoactive properties, which are more potent than Delta-8 THC and Delta-10 THC. According to a THC study, consuming Delta-9 may result in adverse effects such as dry mouth, red eyes, anxiety, dysphoria, euphoria, and seizures. The same report revealed some potential benefits of consuming Delta-9 THC, which include the treatment of nausea, pain, low appetite, insomnia, and glaucoma.

Drug tests like urinalysis and hair follicle tests often detect Delta-9 THC some days after the last use. When consumed, THC produces metabolites that can remain in the urine for more than three days, depending on the consumer's age and method of use. These THC metabolites can stay in the hair follicles for up to 90 days, while they can be detected in the blood after two days of last use. Delta-9 THC can remain in the saliva for two to seven days. Generally, it can stay longer in frequent THC consumers.

Is Delta-9 THC Legal in Maryland?

Yes. In 2013, Maryland legalized medical marijuana allowing registered patients to buy Delta-9 THC products for medical purposes only. Only eligible patients with qualifying medical conditions can register for the Maryland Medical Cannabis Program. After registering for medical cannabis, patients can buy a 30-day supply of Delta-THC products (as prescribed by their physicians). Medical cannabis products containing Delta-9 THC are available at all MMCC-licensed dispensaries. Some dispensaries offer cannabis products online to patients and caregivers.

Also, Delta-9 THC products are legal in Maryland for non-medical use. The Adult-Use Cannabis Legislation allows persons aged 21 or older to possess up to 1.5 ounces of cannabis flower at once. Apart from marijuana-derived THC products, adults may also possess hemp-derived delta-9 THC products. Such products contain trace amounts of Delta-9, typically less than 0.3%. Hemp-derived THC products are safer and do not produce psychotropic effects on consumers. Consuming marijuana products, which contain more than 20% Delta-9 THC, may result in negative side effects such as memory loss and slow reaction time. Generally, marijuana consumers in Maryland may use THC products in private residences. It is unlawful to smoke hemp or marijuana in all public places and federal-owned properties. Note that marijuana contains high Delta-9 THC and is illegal in the U.S. As a result, shipping such illicit substances across state lines into Maryland is a federal offense.

What is Delta-10 THC?

Delta-10 THC is a THC isomer that produces intoxicating effects less intense than Delta-9 THC and Delta-8 THC. It is mainly synthesized in the lab from hemp-derived products, especially CBD. Due to its milder psychotropic effects, consumers consider Delta-10 THC a less harmful alternative to traditional THC products. Delta-10 THC’s mild properties are beneficial for relieving stress and lifting low moods. However, being mainly synthetic, Delta-10 THC may be associated with adverse effects such as headache, irritability, and nausea. Like any other THC isomer, Delta-10 THC will show up on drug tests.

Is Delta-10 THC Legal in Maryland?

Yes, Delta-10 THC became legal in Maryland after the passage of SB 788 in 2022. Maryland residents, aged 21 or older, may buy Delta-10 THC products from licensed dispensaries in the state and nationwide. However, the licensed medical marijuana dispensaries in Maryland only sell THC products to patients and caregivers with medical marijuana cards. Such patients can buy Delta-10 THC products via online weed dispensaries. Note that hemp-derived products (including Delta-10) containing not more than 0.3% THC are legal in the U.S. Shipping such hemp products below 0.3 % THC across state lines is also legal.



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